Monday, June 28, 2010

Кшиштоф Варґа у Львові

Пишуть, що Кшиштоф Варґа, польський письменник і есеїст, редактор відділу культура в "Ґазеті виборча", буде учасником П'ятого міжнародного літературного фестивалю, котрий пройде у Львові. Кілька нехитрих ударів по клавіатурі - і я довідався, що в Україні придбали права аж на дві (2!) його книги - це, певна річ, невимовно тішить. Отже, роман "Текіла" 2002 року повинен бути виданий у "Фоліо", а збірка чудових есеїв 2008-го - Gulasz z turula - у невідомому мені видавництві "ECEM Media". Що ж, із нетерпінням чекаю на видавничі новинки.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Terézia Mora reading in Lviv

Photo: Robert Bosch Stiftung/Yves Noir

Distinguished Hungarian-born German writer and translator, Terézia Mora, is author of three books: one collection of short stories and two novels. Her second book (and first novel), Alle Tage, or Day in Day Out in English translation, was masterly rendered into Ukrainian by Khrystyna Nazarkevych and published last year. As it appeared, Terézia Mora is scheduled to participate in 2010 Lviv International Literary Festival. I'm looking forward to attend that reading and strongly hope that her latest novel will be translated and published in Ukrainian. Currently, it's possible to read in English (translated by Zaia Alexander) an excerpt from Terézia Mora's second novel, The Only Man on the Continent, on the website of publishing house.


Also visit Mrs. Mora's classy website.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Ten Translators' Blogs

Via Brave New Words I found out about a list of top ten translators' blogs in English. Check it out if you care about translation and if you're interested in translating.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

2010 Susan Sontag Prize for Translation

The prize is created specifically for translators working in the area of Scandinavian literature (Swedish, Norwegian, Danish and Icelandic). This year, Susan Sontag Prize for Translation goes to Benjamin Mier-Cruz, who is currently pursuing his Ph.D. in Scandinavian literature, for his translation of Finnish-Swedish avant-garde poet Elmer Diktonius. Alongside the prize, the translator will obtain a check with $5,000. The prize started off merely in 2008 and it was awarded only for the third time this year.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Why Translation Matters by Edith Grossman

Edith Grossman is prolific translator from Spanish into English. She translated Marquez, Llosa and Fuentes among others; her translation of Don Quixote is considered a genuine masterpiece. In 2010, her debut book, Why Translation Matters, was published by Yale University Press. Grossman lives and works as a full-time translator from 1990. Currently, she resides in New York City as a Guggenheim Fellow.


Influential and famous online-based resource, Words Without Borders, published pretty lengthy excerpt from Grossman's book, Why Translation Matters, and it is - luckily for us - available online. Do not omit it - it is unquestionably a good read.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

20 Under 40 (second part)

Illustration: Tom Bachtell

Several days ago I nearly penned an ad about forthcoming double number of The New Yorker magazine called Summer Fiction Issue, devoted to writers of young generation, that is of those under forty. So the number has been recently published and some genuinely cool stuff is available online. For instance, there is a Q & A section with all twenty writers - definitely worth reading. In addition, the editors of this courageous project explain how they created it (I want to add that it is a second effort of such compilation, previous was made in 1999). And - last, but not least - a podcast of fellows (Blake Eskin talks with fiction editors Deborah Treisman and Cressida Leyshon) who have direct attitude to the creation of issue. Enjoy!


Quick update: some stories are already available online: "The Kid" by Salvatore Scibona, "Lenny Hearts Eunice" by Gary Shteyngart and "The Entire Northern Side Was Covered With Fire" by Rivka Galchen.

Václav Havel received 2010 Franz Kafka Prize

This year Franz Kafka Prize goes to Václav Havel. The previous laureates are highly respected and renowned in literary world writers: Philip Roth (USA, 2010), Ivan Klíma (Czech Republic, 2002), Péter Nádas (Hungary, 2003), Elfriede Jelinek (Austria, 2004), Harold Pinter (Great Britain, 2005), Haruki Murakami (Japan, 2006), Yves Bonnefoy (France, 2007), Arnošt Lustig (Czech Republic, 2008), Peter Handke (Austria, 2008)

Friday, June 4, 2010

06 - Лоренцо Помпео

Інтернет-видання опублікувало моє інтерв'ю з італійським перекладачем Лоренцо Помпео. Ця розмова стала шостою в серії інтерв'ю з перекладачами української літератури.

Раніші інтерв'ю:

Thursday, June 3, 2010

20 Under 40

"20 Under 40" is a list of promising writers, created by The New Yorker, who may presumably gain even more attention in the future of literature. It is necessary to add that similar list has been composed a decade ago, in 1999. More information about current list may be obtained after reading yesterday's article, 20 Young Writers Earn the Envy of Many Others, in The New York Times.

Starting from next Monday, eight writers will appear in special double edition of The New Yorker magazine. The rest will be publishing constantly, one by one, each week during the course of summer. I think it would be great if a separate book of short stories of those authors will be compiled by the magazine.

Last but not least, the most exciting thing and fact is that one writer in the list, Jonathan Safran Foer, was translated into Ukrainian. His novel Everything is Illuminated was translated by Rostyslav Semkiv and published by Fakt (Fact in English) publishing house in 2005.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Андрій Вознесенський (1933-2010)

Alexander Tyagny-Ryadno/Associated Press


Нині помер російський поет Андрій Вознесенський.



Ти мене на світанку розбудиш,
Проведеш і, звичайно, пробачиш.
Ти ніколи мене не забудеш,
Ти ніколи мене не побачиш.
Я тебе заслоню від застуди,
Дрож по тілу — осяяння наче —
Я ніколи тебе не забуду,
Я ніколи тебе не побачу.
Цю ріку із мурашками бруду,
Ці споруди поважних призначень
Я ніколи уже не забуду,
Я ніколи уже не побачу.
І сльозяться на вітрі пропащо
Карі вишні у далеч незрячу.
Повертатись — прикмета не з кращих,
Я ніколи тебе не побачу.
Раптом стане мізерним і тлінним
Наше нерозуміння з тобою
В порівнянні із нерозумінням
Двох живих і пітьми неживої.
Якщо знову на землю вернемось,
За Гафізом. Щасливі на вдачу —
Ми тоді все одно розминемось,
Я ніколи тебе не побачу.
Бухне в лиця повітрям гарячим
Пара фраз, заперечивши чудо —
Я ніколи тебе не побачу.
Я ніколи тебе не забуду.

Переклав з російської Роман Скиба

Віктор Ґолишев у програмі "Школа Злословия"

Віктор Ґолишев - провідний російський перекладач американської та англійської літератури. У Росії його називають "патріархом вітчизняної школи художнього перекладу".
