Thursday, July 15, 2010

Інтерв'ю: Міхал Гворецький

Photo: David Peltán

Моє інтерв'ю із словацьким письменником і есеїстом, Міхалом Гворецьким, було опубліковано на

Saturday, July 10, 2010

2010 Georg Buechner Prize goes to Reinhard Jirgl

Georg Buechner Prize, one of the most prestigious German literary prizes - as many claim to say - goes to Reinhard Jirgl for his last year novel, Die Stille. Alongside Prize, Mr. Jirgl will obtain 40,000 euros. It is also needed to add that this novel was nominated for last year's German Book Prize. I hope one day it will appear in Ukrainian translation, since we have a number of excellent renders of German literary.